Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Snake, the Apple, and a lie they call Love.

Don't blame the snake. He was just selling the dream. Don't blame the girl, she just wanted a taste. Blame that apple for looking so damn sweet but ultimately tasting bitter in the end. The snake never wanted to hurt her, he just wanted her to believe in him, to LOVE him like she loved another. So he lied. Told her that he and his magic apple would be able to fill her heart with joy, knowledge, and yes...LOVE. .

She wanted the snake and his beautiful apple LOVE lie. She fell for the new charms of this cool and ominous stranger, only to be deceived in the end. But she believed. And while the lie was real, it was good. But it ended. And that affair is all she's known for now, the woman who fell for the apple LOVE lie told by a cool, cruel, snake. And in the end all she got was evicted, pregnant, and wound up with a man that she didn't even choose in the first place

If someone tells you a lie for the sake of LOVE maybe next time you should believe them forever. Make that lie your reality. It's only till the truth is revealed that we end up getting hurt. While we're living in the lie nothing can make us happier than that same fallacy of a life we're leading. The truth is a horrible thing when it's loves enemy. Lotsa times the truth isn't what you intend for it to be, it's the consequence of your imperfect actions. The lie...that's what we want to be, what we want to believe, what we want to happen.

So eat the apple. It's delicious. But know it's a lie. A sweet and delicious lie that ends up bitter in the end. As long as you know that, you'll never wanna hear the truth again.

F.or L.ove A.nd Heartbreak - Pre Pre